Symbolae physicae, seu, Icones et descriptiones corporum naturalium novorum aut minus cognitorum : quae ex itineribus per Libyam Aegyptum Nubiam Dongalam Syriam Arabiam et Habessiniam publico institutis sumptu Friderici Guilelmi Hemprich et Christiani Godofredi Ehrenberg : studio annis MDCCCXX-MDCCCXXV redierunt
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Symbolae physicae, seu, Icones et descriptiones corporum naturalium novorum aut minus cognitorum : quae ex itineribus per Libyam Aegyptum Nubiam Dongalam Syriam Arabiam et Habessiniam publico institutis sumptu Friderici Guilelmi Hemprich et Christiani Godofredi Ehrenberg : studio annis MDCCCXX-MDCCCXXV redierunt
- by
- Ehrenberg, Christian Gottfried, 1795-1876; Hemprich, W. F. (Wilhelm Friedrich), 1796-1825; Klug, Fr. (Friedrich), 1775-1856; Martens, Eduard von, 1831-1904; Matschie, Paul, 1861-1926; Tornier, Gustav; Weltner, Wilhelm; Hilgendorf, Franz, 1839-1904; Carlgren, Oskar, b. 1865; Schumann, K. (Karl), 1851-1904; Schaus, William, 1859-1942, former owner. DSI; Berry, S. Stillman (Samuel Stillman), 1887-1984, former owner. DSI; Roper, Clyde F. E., 1937- , donor. DSI; Burgh, R., former owner. DSI; Bayer, Frederick M., former owner. DSI; Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin; Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin; Library of Congress, former owner. DSI
- Publication date
- 1828
- Topics
- Animals, Zoology, Birds, Insects, Invertebrates, Fishes, Plants, Botany, Insects, Insects, Insects, Insects, Invertebrates, Invertebrates, Invertebrates, Invertebrates, Fishes, Fishes, Fishes, Fishes, Plants, Botany, Plants, Botany
- Publisher
- Berolini : Ex Officina Academica, venditur a Mittlero
- Collection
- biodiversity
- Contributor
- Smithsonian Libraries
- Language
- Latin
- Volume
- Zoologica II, Animalia evertebrata, pt.1-2 [c.2] (1831)
- Item Size
- 538.5M
statement of responsibility: regis iussu et impensis publico usui obtulit superstes C.G. Ehrenberg
The naturalists Ehrenberg and Hemprich collected their specimens of the fauna and flora of North Africa and the Middle East from 1820-1825. Hemprich died during the expedition; Ehrenberg returned to Berlin and began work on this publication. The specimens were deposited in the Berlin Museum
Only the first part has the general title page. "Symbolae physicae seu Icones Descriptiones" precedes titles of each part
Most of the plates (lithographs, engravings, aquatints, and etchings) are hand-colored
Mammalium, pt. 1 has smaller letterpress leaf than the rest of the text laid-in, an introduction to the reader and concerning the issue of decas I-II in installments (German on one side, Latin on the other); signed Dr. C.G. Ehrenberg, dated April 12, 1829. Wrapper with title "Mammalium decas I" has "Continuata explicatio" stating cause of delay in publication. "Mammalium decas I" preceded by general t.p., dedication, preface, text
Symbolae physicae seu Icones et descriptiones avium pt. 1 has 32 leaves; pt. 2 is a portfolio with 10 sheets, numbered XI to XX. In addition to the identification of the bird in the coloured print, each sheet also bears the caption: Zoologica I. Aves
Symbolae physicae seu Icones et descriptiones piscium pt. 1 all published; 10 plates with caption: Zoologica I. Pisces
Icones et descriptiones insectorum published in 5 pts, 1829-1845, each section with 10 plates
Animalia evertebrata exclusis insectis pt. 1 has 10 plates only, numbered I-VI, I-II, I-II, with caption: Zoologica II, Phytozoa. Pt. 2 with title: Icones et descriptiones animalium evertebratorum sepositis insectis ... Series prima cum tabularum decade prima (1831). Percensuit Dr. Fr. Klug. Decas prima-quinta. At head of title: Hemprich et Ehrenberg Symbolae physicae. Text only, [128] p
Botanica: Plantarum cotyledonearum. Berolini ex Officina Academica, 1828, "Decas prima" of plates no. 1-10 only, with no descriptions; descriptions of the 10 plates by Schumann in his ed. of 1900. Icones adhuc ineditae ... Botanica: Berolini : Sumptibus Georgii Reimer, 1900. Pts. 1-2, with plates no. 11-16, 18-20 of pt. 1; pls. no. 1-4 of pt. 2
Supplement to Zoologica: Symbolae physicae, seu, Icones adhuc ineditae corporum naturalium novorum aut minus cognitorum. Berolini : Sumptibus Georgii Reimeri, 1899. Publico usui obtulerunt O. Carlgren, F. Hilgendorf, E.V. Martens, P. Matschie, G. Tornier, W. Weltner
Botanica: Plantarum cotyledonearum. Berolini ex Officina Academica, 1828, "Decas prima" of plates no. 1-10 only, with no descriptions; descriptions of the 10 plates by Schumann in his ed. of 1900. Icones adhuc ineditae ... Botanica: Berolini : Sumptibus Georgii Reimer, 1900. Parts 1-2, with plates no. 11-16, 18-20 of pt. 1; plates no. 1-4 of pt. 2
citation/reference: Stafleu & Cowan. Taxonomic lit. (2nd ed.), 1636
citation/reference: Nissen, C. Zoologische Buchillustration, I, 1247
citation/reference: BM (Nat. Hist.), volume 2, page 515
Includes bibliographical references
Maggs Brothers, Ltd.; purchase; 2/2007; 859.30 (only: Zool. I, piscium pt. 1, c. 1; Zool. I, avium, pt. 2, c. 1; Botanica pt. 1 (1828), c. 1; Botanica pt. 1-2 (1900), c. 1; and Zool. suppl. c. 2)
Icones et descriptiones Mammalium. 2 pts. (1828-1830) -- Icones et descriptiones avium. 2 pts. (1828-1829) -- Icones et descriptiones piscium. 1 pt. (1828) -- Botanica. Plantarum cotyledonearum, pt. 1 (1828); Icones adhuc ineditae ... Botanica. 2 pts. in 1 v. (1900) -- Icones et descriptiones Insectorum. 5 pts. (1829-1845) -- Icones et descriptiones animalium evertebratorum sepositis Insectis. 2 pts. (1828-1831)
Zoologica. Supplement: Mammalia and Aves, by P. Matschie -- Reptilia, by G. Tornier -- Pisces, by F. Hilgendorf -- Mollusca, by E. von Martens -- Actiniaria and Zoantharia, by O. Carlgren -- Madreporaria, by W. Weltner
Stafleu & Cowan. Taxonomic lit. (2nd ed.)
Nissen, C. Zoologische Buchillustration
BM (Nat. Hist.)
Maggs Brothers, Ltd.;
SCNHRB c. 1 Mammalium, pt. 1-2 (39088002704799, 39088016476475) has leaves laid-in original printed portfolio boards, with ties; housed in a brown buckram box
SCNHRB c. 1 Aves pt. 1 (39088016476517) has bookplate of the Library of Congress, Smithsonian Deposit. Bound in three-quarters red sheepskin and green cloth, title and "Library of Congress Smithsonian Collection" in gilt on spine, marbled endpapers; original printed paper wrappers bound-in with unidentified property stamp and Smithsonian Institution [no.] 7102. Aves pt. 2 ( 39088016476558) in original printed paper boards
SCNHRB c. 1 Aves pt. 2 (390880016476558), c. 1 Piscium pt. 1 (39088016476590), c. 1 Botany pt. 1 1828 (39088016476798), c. 1 Botany pt. 1-2 1900 (39088016476830), and c. 2 Zool. Supplement (39088016476756) have bookplates: Purchased from the Cullman Endowment
SCNHRB c. 1 Piscium pt. 1 (39088016476590) in original printed boards, with ties
SCNHRB c. 1 of Insectorum (39088002704807) pts. 1-5 bound as 1 v. in old brown library buckram; original printed paper wrappers bound-in (stamped Smithsonian Institution National Museum [ms. acc. no.] 148701); housed in a linen-covered dropped-back box
SCNHRB c. 2 (39088016476632) of Insectorum made-up of different parts: original printed cover of "Decam tertia", "Pontia" of pt. 1, "Gastropacha" pt. 1-2, "Hipparchia" pt. 3, "Lycaena" pt. 4, "Euploea" "Vanessa" pt. 5. Leaves and plates laid-in a brown library buckram portfolio. Bookplate: Collection of William Schaus, presented to the National Museum 1905; stamped on cover: Smithsonian Institution National Museum [ms. acc. no.] 290165
SCNHRB pt. 1-2, c. 1 of Animalia evertebrata (39088016476871, 39088002704815) bound in original boards; housed in an archival box. Inscribed in ink at top of cover: R. Burgh. With bookplate: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Bequest of S. Stillman Berry. Stamped on front pastedown: S.S. Berry 1145 W. Highland Ave. Redlands, Cal.; written in ink: 15.XI.1938. Gift of Clyde Roper
SCNHRB pt. 1-2, c. 2 Animalia evertebrata (39088006695514) bound together, plates of pt. 1 interspersed with text; with original printed paper wrapper; bound in blue library buckram
SCNHRB pt. 1-2, c. 3 of Animalia evertebrata (39088016476673) with plates bound-in at end. Without the original printed cover, title supplied in ms., bound in quarter acid-patterned boards and sheepskin; housed in a linen-covered drop-back bos. Gift of Frederick M. Bayer
SCNHRB c. 4 of Animalia evertebrata (39088016476715), pt. 1 only, in original printed boards
SCNHRB copy with 2 copies of the Zoologica supplement ([4], 17, [1] p., 32 leaves of plates), both incomplete: c. 1 (39088002600476) with 3 leaves of text, pls 1-7, 13-14; c. 2 lacking all plates. Copy 1 bound in original printed paper boards, housed in a brown buckram portfolio; c. 2 (39088016476756) unbound
SCNHRB copy Botanica pt. 1 (39088016476798) plates laid-in original printed boards, with ties. Botanica of 1900 (39088016476830) unbound; incomplete, lacking plates
The naturalists Ehrenberg and Hemprich collected their specimens of the fauna and flora of North Africa and the Middle East from 1820-1825. Hemprich died during the expedition; Ehrenberg returned to Berlin and began work on this publication. The specimens were deposited in the Berlin Museum
Only the first part has the general title page. "Symbolae physicae seu Icones Descriptiones" precedes titles of each part
Most of the plates (lithographs, engravings, aquatints, and etchings) are hand-colored
Mammalium, pt. 1 has smaller letterpress leaf than the rest of the text laid-in, an introduction to the reader and concerning the issue of decas I-II in installments (German on one side, Latin on the other); signed Dr. C.G. Ehrenberg, dated April 12, 1829. Wrapper with title "Mammalium decas I" has "Continuata explicatio" stating cause of delay in publication. "Mammalium decas I" preceded by general t.p., dedication, preface, text
Symbolae physicae seu Icones et descriptiones avium pt. 1 has 32 leaves; pt. 2 is a portfolio with 10 sheets, numbered XI to XX. In addition to the identification of the bird in the coloured print, each sheet also bears the caption: Zoologica I. Aves
Symbolae physicae seu Icones et descriptiones piscium pt. 1 all published; 10 plates with caption: Zoologica I. Pisces
Icones et descriptiones insectorum published in 5 pts, 1829-1845, each section with 10 plates
Animalia evertebrata exclusis insectis pt. 1 has 10 plates only, numbered I-VI, I-II, I-II, with caption: Zoologica II, Phytozoa. Pt. 2 with title: Icones et descriptiones animalium evertebratorum sepositis insectis ... Series prima cum tabularum decade prima (1831). Percensuit Dr. Fr. Klug. Decas prima-quinta. At head of title: Hemprich et Ehrenberg Symbolae physicae. Text only, [128] p
Botanica: Plantarum cotyledonearum. Berolini ex Officina Academica, 1828, "Decas prima" of plates no. 1-10 only, with no descriptions; descriptions of the 10 plates by Schumann in his ed. of 1900. Icones adhuc ineditae ... Botanica: Berolini : Sumptibus Georgii Reimer, 1900. Pts. 1-2, with plates no. 11-16, 18-20 of pt. 1; pls. no. 1-4 of pt. 2
Supplement to Zoologica: Symbolae physicae, seu, Icones adhuc ineditae corporum naturalium novorum aut minus cognitorum. Berolini : Sumptibus Georgii Reimeri, 1899. Publico usui obtulerunt O. Carlgren, F. Hilgendorf, E.V. Martens, P. Matschie, G. Tornier, W. Weltner
Botanica: Plantarum cotyledonearum. Berolini ex Officina Academica, 1828, "Decas prima" of plates no. 1-10 only, with no descriptions; descriptions of the 10 plates by Schumann in his ed. of 1900. Icones adhuc ineditae ... Botanica: Berolini : Sumptibus Georgii Reimer, 1900. Parts 1-2, with plates no. 11-16, 18-20 of pt. 1; plates no. 1-4 of pt. 2
citation/reference: Stafleu & Cowan. Taxonomic lit. (2nd ed.), 1636
citation/reference: Nissen, C. Zoologische Buchillustration, I, 1247
citation/reference: BM (Nat. Hist.), volume 2, page 515
Includes bibliographical references
Maggs Brothers, Ltd.; purchase; 2/2007; 859.30 (only: Zool. I, piscium pt. 1, c. 1; Zool. I, avium, pt. 2, c. 1; Botanica pt. 1 (1828), c. 1; Botanica pt. 1-2 (1900), c. 1; and Zool. suppl. c. 2)
Icones et descriptiones Mammalium. 2 pts. (1828-1830) -- Icones et descriptiones avium. 2 pts. (1828-1829) -- Icones et descriptiones piscium. 1 pt. (1828) -- Botanica. Plantarum cotyledonearum, pt. 1 (1828); Icones adhuc ineditae ... Botanica. 2 pts. in 1 v. (1900) -- Icones et descriptiones Insectorum. 5 pts. (1829-1845) -- Icones et descriptiones animalium evertebratorum sepositis Insectis. 2 pts. (1828-1831)
Zoologica. Supplement: Mammalia and Aves, by P. Matschie -- Reptilia, by G. Tornier -- Pisces, by F. Hilgendorf -- Mollusca, by E. von Martens -- Actiniaria and Zoantharia, by O. Carlgren -- Madreporaria, by W. Weltner
Stafleu & Cowan. Taxonomic lit. (2nd ed.)
Nissen, C. Zoologische Buchillustration
BM (Nat. Hist.)
Maggs Brothers, Ltd.;
SCNHRB c. 1 Mammalium, pt. 1-2 (39088002704799, 39088016476475) has leaves laid-in original printed portfolio boards, with ties; housed in a brown buckram box
SCNHRB c. 1 Aves pt. 1 (39088016476517) has bookplate of the Library of Congress, Smithsonian Deposit. Bound in three-quarters red sheepskin and green cloth, title and "Library of Congress Smithsonian Collection" in gilt on spine, marbled endpapers; original printed paper wrappers bound-in with unidentified property stamp and Smithsonian Institution [no.] 7102. Aves pt. 2 ( 39088016476558) in original printed paper boards
SCNHRB c. 1 Aves pt. 2 (390880016476558), c. 1 Piscium pt. 1 (39088016476590), c. 1 Botany pt. 1 1828 (39088016476798), c. 1 Botany pt. 1-2 1900 (39088016476830), and c. 2 Zool. Supplement (39088016476756) have bookplates: Purchased from the Cullman Endowment
SCNHRB c. 1 Piscium pt. 1 (39088016476590) in original printed boards, with ties
SCNHRB c. 1 of Insectorum (39088002704807) pts. 1-5 bound as 1 v. in old brown library buckram; original printed paper wrappers bound-in (stamped Smithsonian Institution National Museum [ms. acc. no.] 148701); housed in a linen-covered dropped-back box
SCNHRB c. 2 (39088016476632) of Insectorum made-up of different parts: original printed cover of "Decam tertia", "Pontia" of pt. 1, "Gastropacha" pt. 1-2, "Hipparchia" pt. 3, "Lycaena" pt. 4, "Euploea" "Vanessa" pt. 5. Leaves and plates laid-in a brown library buckram portfolio. Bookplate: Collection of William Schaus, presented to the National Museum 1905; stamped on cover: Smithsonian Institution National Museum [ms. acc. no.] 290165
SCNHRB pt. 1-2, c. 1 of Animalia evertebrata (39088016476871, 39088002704815) bound in original boards; housed in an archival box. Inscribed in ink at top of cover: R. Burgh. With bookplate: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Bequest of S. Stillman Berry. Stamped on front pastedown: S.S. Berry 1145 W. Highland Ave. Redlands, Cal.; written in ink: 15.XI.1938. Gift of Clyde Roper
SCNHRB pt. 1-2, c. 2 Animalia evertebrata (39088006695514) bound together, plates of pt. 1 interspersed with text; with original printed paper wrapper; bound in blue library buckram
SCNHRB pt. 1-2, c. 3 of Animalia evertebrata (39088016476673) with plates bound-in at end. Without the original printed cover, title supplied in ms., bound in quarter acid-patterned boards and sheepskin; housed in a linen-covered drop-back bos. Gift of Frederick M. Bayer
SCNHRB c. 4 of Animalia evertebrata (39088016476715), pt. 1 only, in original printed boards
SCNHRB copy with 2 copies of the Zoologica supplement ([4], 17, [1] p., 32 leaves of plates), both incomplete: c. 1 (39088002600476) with 3 leaves of text, pls 1-7, 13-14; c. 2 lacking all plates. Copy 1 bound in original printed paper boards, housed in a brown buckram portfolio; c. 2 (39088016476756) unbound
SCNHRB copy Botanica pt. 1 (39088016476798) plates laid-in original printed boards, with ties. Botanica of 1900 (39088016476830) unbound; incomplete, lacking plates
- Addeddate
- 2015-09-30 19:46:01
- Call number
- 39088006695514
- Call-number
- 39088006695514
- Foldoutcount
- 0
- Genre
- bibliography
- Identifier
- SymbolaephysicaAnimEhre
- Identifier-ark
- ark:/13960/t3pw0558z
- Identifier-bib
- 39088006695514
- Lccn
- 06014266
- Ocr
- ABBYY FineReader 11.0
- Pages
- 162
- Possible copyright status
- Public domain. The BHL considers that this work is no longer under copyright protection.
- Ppi
- 300
- Year
- 1828
- Full catalog record
This book is available with additional data at Biodiversity Heritage Library.
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